This week, WHQR arts reporter Demia Avery interviewed Chris Everett — who’s currently working on a sequel to his documentary “Wilmington on Fire,” about the 1898 massacre and coup. This year he was awarded the Trailblazer Award at the North Carolina Black Film Festival, being held this week in Wilmington.
Thank you to everyone that attended our fundraising luncheon! We had a fantastic time seeing you all. Thanks to Scott Simon for making our 40th anniversary fundraising event a memorable one. See below for pictures of the event!
The WHQR Fall Drive 2024 - Phone Teams
The Annual Meeting of Friends of Public Radio will be held on Thursday June 20, at 6pm in the MC Erny Gallery at WHQR, 254 North Front Street Suite 300 in Wilmington. We hope you are able to join us.The formal business of the meeting will be to elect new Board members for a 3-year term through June 30, 2027. All WHQR members in good standing (those who have made a donation during the 2022-2023 fiscal year) may vote. We'll also hear reports from the Board and station management on this historic past year's events and plans for the future. As always, there will be time for public comment.Refreshments will be served as we celebrate the past and look toward the future of your public radio station. Please join us. RSVP to join us in person by emailing rsvp@whqr.org - let us know how many people will be attending.
This week, Rhonda talks with Mike Williams, curator of the exhibit "Continuum of Change", part of Initiative 1897, and one of 18 arts venues participating in Fourth Friday Gallery Night on July 23 in downtown Wilmington.
On Monday, July 12th, host Ben Steelman of the Star News will sit down (virtually) with author Lee Zacharias to discuss her new book, "What a Wonderful World This Could Be."
How does the HQR Newsroom work? The new monthly virtual event, Ask The Newsroom, answers your questions. Join us for a live zoom every fourth Wednesday featuring the WHQR News staff. Station Manager Kurt Wilson moderates the discussion. HQR News staff guests may include: Rachel Lewis Hilburn, Ben Schachtman, Hannah Breisinger, Rachel Keith, Kelly Kenoyer, Ken Campbell, Doc Jarden, Katelyn Freund, Rhonda Bellamy, and special guests.