WHQR Commentary: Philip Gerard “Interstate Homecoming”
WHQR Commentary: Claude Howell “Oysters”
WHQR Commentary: Philip Gerard “Teacher”
WHQR Commentary: Laura Levian “Living in the Southeast”
Local commentaries were a regular part of WHQR’s programming for many years and for WHQR’s 40th anniversary year celebration, we’re presenting a few favorites from our extensive archive.According to commentator, Charles Boney, when this first aired in 2003, Wilmington’s downtown was rapidly rising from the sleepy 1990’s, with buildings like The Trust Building awaiting their full potential.Charles Boney is a local architect with LS3P Associates, and a big fan of WHQR. This commentary first aired on June 26th, 2003.WHQR Commentaries don't necessarily reflect the views of WHQR Radio, its editorial staff, or its members.
Each week during WHQR’s 40th anniversary year, we’re presenting past commentaries from WHQR’s extensive archive.Paul Wilkes is a journalist and author of over twenty books-- many about the intersection of spirituality and everyday life. He’s also the founder of Homes of Hope India. This commentary first aired on March 25th, 2004.For more commentaries and other programs from WHQR’s archives, visit WHQR.ORG/archivesWHQR Commentaries don't necessarily reflect the views of WHQR Radio, its editorial staff, or its members.
WHQR Archived Commentary: Nan Graham "Voice Recognition" October 17, 2013.
WHQR Commentary: Barbara Sullivan “Time” Date Unknown
WHQR Commentary: Andy Wood "Earth Day" April 2012
WHQR Commentary: Shane Fernando “Coney Island” November 2014
Commentator Philip Gerard published 16 books of fiction and creative nonfiction and wrote numerous documentary scripts and essays, among other works. He taught for over 30 years in the creative writing department at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington. He passed away in November, 2022.