North CarolinaAttorney General Josh Stein is working with Amazon to investigate nine North Carolina businesses and sellers over price gouging concerns. A press release says Stein was notified by Amazon that nine sellers had raised prices dramatically for items that have been in high demand during the coronavirus pandemic -- including hand sanitizer and N95 masks.
“At a time when North Carolinians are trying to take care of themselves and their families in the face of an unprecedented crisis, some sellers are instead focused on unfairly taking people's money,” said Stein.
“My office will investigate these cases and take action if we believe they've violated the price gouging law. Any other would-be gougers should take note: if you take advantage of consumers during this crisis, we will come after you and hold you accountable.”
Amazon identified these sellers as having raised prices on coronavirus-related products more than 40% between Feb. 10 and Mar. 16, 2020 -- and as a group, having generated more than $100,000 in sales as a result of those higher prices.
The names of the sellers were not released by Stein's office. North Carolina’s price gouging law was triggered by Governor Roy Cooper’s declaration of a state of emergency on Mar. 10.
To report potential price gouging, call 1-877-5-NO-SCAM or file a complaint at