It was January of 2019 that WHQR brought together about dozen people to launch a yearlong experiment in civil discourse. The series, Beneath The Surface, had some deeply moving and surprising moments, and it had some spectacular failures. One colleague at the station likens the series to the early garage band tapes of civil discourse. Another colleague calls it the series that broke me. Arthur Brooks wrote the book I relied on heavily during that process.
It was January of 2019 that WHQR brought together about dozen people to launch a yearlong experiment in civil discourse. The series, Beneath The Surface, had some deeply moving and surprising moments, and it had some spectacular failures. One colleague at the station likens the series to the early garage band tapes of civil discourse. Another colleague calls it the series that broke me. Arthur Brooks wrote the book I relied on heavily during that process.
It was January of 2019 that WHQR brought together about a dozen people, diverse in age, ethnicity, and political affiliation. Our objective: to see how…