A public meeting about a proposed new crossing over the Cape Fear River gets underway Monday, April 29th at 5 PM -- as stakeholders in Brunswick and New Hanover County marshal their resources.
There are six possible routes on the drawing board for the Cape Fear Crossing. Officials with North Carolina Department of Transportation describe it as a 9.5-mile road and bridge that would help improve traffic flow and enhance freight movements from U.S. 17 and I-140 in Brunswick County to the Port of Wilmington in southern New Hanover County.
But the prospect of an elevated road carrying truck traffic and hazardous material in close proximity to homes has galvanized local property owners. Formed earlier this year, the Cape Fear Crossing Citizen Coalition, or CFC3, says the crossing is likely to adversely impact home values.
Monday and Tuesday night, DOT officials are holding open houses and public hearings to answer questions and register comments.
The public comment period on the DOT’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement is open until May 16th.
Public Open Houses / Hearings:
Monday, April 29:
Open House: 5-6:30 p.m.
Public Hearing: 7 p.m.
John T. Hoggard High School Cafeteria
4305 Shipyard Blvd.
Tuesday, April 30:
Open House: 5-6:30 p.m.
Public Hearing: 7 p.m.
North Brunswick High School Gym
114 Scorpion Drive
To register comments on the DEIS: