Julia Olson-Boseman is running for one of two open seats on the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. The Democratic challenger is in a field of four candidates: two incumbents – Republican Skip Watkins and Democrat Rob Zapple – and a Republican challenger – Eric Lytle.
Olson-Boseman’s galvanizing issue is smart growth.
This former state senator and practicing attorney says she’s watched too many recent votes approving projects that are not what she considers to be in the best interest of the citizens.
"We have more storage buildings being approved in this town than I have ever seen. And, yes, development is coming, but we need to do it in a better way. We need to make sure they’re doing traffic-impact studies – which is not being done on the county level. We need to look at things like – what about left-on-red on one-way streets? What can we do at thinking outside of the box to alleviate some type of traffic?"
Julia Olson-Boseman says she plans to lobby the state delegation for funds for traffic projects – such as Market Street improvements and the expansion of Independence Boulevard.
She does not support the plan to move the Cape Fear Museum into Project Grace downtown, and she doesn’t want to see the historic building that houses the library – or the recently-constructed park -- dismantled.