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Friday Feedback for November 4, 2016

original: By ManuelFD - Own work fuente propia, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11368669
WHQR [is] my absolute favorite !!Grazie mille !!. -- Patrizia

Last week I played a call by a fan of our on-air campaign, and got this email in response: "I really like WHQR. I'm a long time listener .. & I do contribute to your support. But I *HATE* your awful begging for money (on-air). Yes, I know someone called in & said he thought it was well done. I'm on the other side of that coin; it is awful. I find another station to listen to when you start & continue to run your terrible begging for financial support. Why can't you do it quietly, like other charities?. . .Or, hire someone to regularly/constantly go after Corporate sponsors. I receive letters in the mail (which is okay) but I hate your mis-use of on-air-time to beg for money. It demeans your station & you should, @ this point in your evolution, be above this form of fund raising. Regards, An Anonymous Listener (for many, many years). "

I wrote back to this listener that the message raises a number of issues that are worthy of consideration by our listeners. In reference to one comment, studies have shown that about 85% of all contributions to nonprofit organizations comes from individuals, not corporations. While we do better than that in business support, since we are a noncommercial station, we could not exist without listener support. The emailer wrote back:

I did not know that 85% of all contributions to nonprofit organizations are from individuals. . . I understand the importance of your fund raising. &, as a long-time listener, I certainly don't want your station to go off-the-air. I just thought there may be a better way to fund your operations & growth.

I thank this listener very much for writing. I know that many will agree.

Robbie Bracken wrote that she appreciated the "diplomatic" way negative comments are handled on Friday Feedback, and added:

I met you and Mary Bradley at the WHQR Day fundraiser at Waterline brewery few months ago. She was quite gracious listening to me tell long winded story of my encounter w NPR’s John Ydstie ten years ago. And my b-f was thrilled to meet you after listening to so many Friday gripe sessions !

Thanks, Robbie.

Here are some other comments that came in during the drive:

Vance Highsmith said:

Thanks for bringing classical music my way

Janet Mills said:

The next generation of listeners might not know about public radio unless someone nurtures that opportunity

Shelley Thomas said:

You make driving better!

Nathan Caponi said:

I get infuriated every time WHQR has the pledge drive but figured this time I would call in and do something about it.

After a wonderful trip this past summer to Italy, I'm grateful to try out my semi-literate Italian. Patrizia Andreani wrote:

I Love love love to wake up in the morning and turn on the radio to listen to WHQR my absolute favorite !!Grazie mille !!

And I just realized that I can't speak Italian without gestures.

Spencer Bloom said:

I am a UNCW student and happy to support WHQR as it addresses issues that are important to listeners young and old. Thank you for your effort; it is really important.

Jeanne Fisher said:

I’m very grateful for when I did not have power and was able to listen via hand powered radio!

Well, whether your radio is hand-powered, steam-powered, wood-burning, analog, digital, turbo-charged, mountain-grown, FM, HD, plain vanilla or super-snazzy, we’d love to hear from you on Friday Feedback. You can send an email message to feedback-at-whqr-dot-org, or you can leave a call at 910-292-9477. And as always, thanks for your Feedback.