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Friday Feedback for December 20, 2013

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I am so happy for your existence! -- Marie Raynor

Beverly Dean wrote to us on Wednesday about the noontime special we aired called Love is Better than Wine with the Tallis Scholars. Her response:

[It] is BEAUTIFUL and we have enjoyed every minute. Will you be broadcasting similar music on Christmas day?

Yes Beverly, there is a Santa Claus, and his name is Bob Workmon. So we’ll have more great seasonal music and specials, not only on Christmas Day but leading up to then. That will of course include the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, live from King’s College, Cambridge at 10 am on Christmas Eve, and repeated at 7 pm Christmas Day. You can find a complete list of Special Holiday Programming at whqr.org.

Prior to last Sunday’s Homemade Holiday Shorts we ran holiday stories from a number of listeners on our website. This comment was one of many that came to Mary Kaye Hester for her “Oh! Christmas Tree”:

What a wonderful story! Knowing and loving your Mom and Dad I was able to picture the whole scenario in my minds eye… Jim & Dora Georgeady, Pawcatuck, CT.

Last week I played a phone call from a listener objecting to our playing George Gershwin’s symphonic music during classical times. Listener Matt responded:

Gershwin is one of the greatest American composers. Anyone who has trouble realizing that needs to get his [bleep] together or he doesn't deserve 'hqr.

Again we thank listeners who phoned in pledges during last week’s year-end drive to support WHQR. And special thanks to our partners, Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard and AAI-Pharma for donating food for each pledge. Please remember to support your favorite nonprofits during this season of giving. Here are some more comments we received during the drive:

James Lodato said

I wish the programming weren't so repetitive.

Kathleen Kowal of Rocky Point said

Play more classical music. I miss it.

Karen Gardner said

Y'all are awesome.

Donna Giles and Sue Sneddon of Shallotte said

We truly appreciate our favorite public radio station and the combined fund-raising effort with Mother Hubbard's Cupboard. This is part of what puts the 'public' in public radio!

Clyde and Kristina Edgerton said

It's good to have tact and common sense in the media.

David and Bette Bauereis said

We are the folks who used to pledge from the Bahamas... we sold the boat and are back in Wilmington.... we are CLODS (Civilians Living on Dirt).

John and Martha Denison said

I prefer less talk and more classical music. Frankly, since BACH radio switched formats I have been disappointed with the lack of classical music on local radio. It was one of the reasons we moved to Wilmington a year ago.

John and Martha, you might want to listen to WHQR’s live stream of our 24-hour classical music channel. You can get there from our website, whqr.org, and click in the Listen Live button in the upper left.

Bill and Mary Baggett from the Blockade Runner Beach Resort said

We are proud to pledge $10 each on behalf of our 2013 220 Blockade Runner Staff members. The blockade runner will write a check out for $2,200.00 to WHQR … We are so excited about the opportunity to contribute along with WHQR, AAI Pharma and Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard.

And Marie Raynor got all philosophical on us. She said

I am so happy for your existence!

Gosh, so are we!

Thanks to everyone who responded. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year.

We’d love to hear from you on Friday Feedback. You can always leave a message via email to feedback@WHQR.org. Our Feedback Phone is 910-292-WHQR. That’s 292-9477. And thanks for your feedback.