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Friday Feedback for September 20, 2013


Listener John wrote:

There is so much to appreciate about WHQR! -- John It has been many years now since The Writers Almanac aired at its earlier spot, and I sure do miss hearing it! There is something special about listening to Garrison Keillor report about the highlights of the day's historical events. And hearing poetry read by Garrison always provides a moment of serene and satisfying enjoyment; a peaceful interlude at the beginning of the usually hectic and frenetic day. Unfortunately, many of us begin our workday before the current 8:55am airing of The Writers Almanac, so we miss that opportunity. I normally arise and tune in between 5:00 and 6:00 am, and hear the fine programming of Morning Edition several times before my workday starts around 8:00am. I wonder why The Writers Almanac could not also have several airings each morning; one of which, at least, at a time that is more likely to be heard by the earlier crowd. There is so much to appreciate about WHQR! It is virtually my exclusive source of news and entertainment. I have been a dedicated listener since the early 90's. This small programming change is the only suggestion that I can think of, but it sure would make a big difference, I'm betting, to a lot of our morning listeners. If you agree, why not let the folks at the station know? Perhaps if there is enough support, they can figure out a way to make it happen! Anyway, thanks for airing this feedback, and considering this suggestion. Keep up the good work!

Michele Zapple wrote on our Facebook page about our use of StoryCorps archives from their time in Wilmington in 2011.

Loved it. I wish WHQR would run EVERY local Story Corps that we did. We could learn a lot about our fellow Wilmington families. Rob & I did one, and we didn't decide what we were going to talk about until we got there. I totally appreciated Story Corps coming to Wilmington.

We’d love to hear from you on Friday Feedback. You can always leave a message via email to feedback@WHQR.org. Our Feedback Phone is 910-292-WHQR. That’s 292-9477. And thanks for your feedback.