Panache Theatrical Productions presents the classic cowboy tale of Liberty Valance onstage at North Front Theatre in downtown Wilmington. Actor Robin Dale…
Alison Bechdel's award-winning graphic memoir Fun Home: A Family Tragicomedy was adapted for the stage a few years ago. After a successful run on…
In 2016, Holli Saperstein won the Star News "Best Actress" award for her performance of Becoming Dr. Ruth. Due to popular demand, she's reprising the role…
Panache Theatrical Productions continues the Wilmington "Santaland Diaries" tradition this year with Crumpet #13: Robb Mann. This cynically hilarious…
Director Anthony Lawson may first appear to be suffering in the set-building, light-focusing, prop-making madness at Wilmington's North Front…
What if I told you that the film "Heathers"-1988 black comedy, inappropriate high-school cult classic- was made into a musical? Well, it's true, and…
Michael Granberry. Cullen Moss. Steve Vernon. Jason Hatfield....the list is at least 10 names long-the collection of actors in Wilmington, North Carolina…
Steve Vernon bought the script for the one-woman show Becoming Dr. Ruth for Big Dawg Productions, but it turned out it wouldn't fit into the season. The…
What is right or wrong based your status-particularly in the military? Does status make a difference? Wilmington's newest theatre company, Panache,…
Local actors Anthony Lawson and Holli Saperstein have created the newest theatre company in town: Panache. The company's first show is Santaland Diaries,…