There are four candidates for the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners battling over two seats: Republicans Eric Lytle and Skip Watkins and Democrats Julia Olson-Boseman and Rob Zapple. Current incumbent Rob Zapple says he’s looking for more efficiency in county government.
Rob Zapple says New Hanover County can be better.
One of his chief concerns is the lack of infrastructure necessary to support new housing and apartment complexes, which he says do not fit with the county’s comprehensive plan. He points to projects in the Monkey Junction area.
Another thing he says has frustrated him over the last year and a half, is the response to GenX and perfluorinated compounds in the Cape Fear River and the drinking supply. He says it’s a health and safety issue.
“We now see the CFPUA finally getting to the point of installing the GAC, granulated activated carbon filters. I wish they would speed that up. Frankly. I wish that work had begun six months ago. I am of short patience along with everyone else as to why this is taking so long. Let's get the fix in and let the lawyers and the politicians up in Raleigh hash it out at their own time. But let's talk about the health and the safety of every resident in New Hanover County. That's where my focus is.”
Rob Zapple was first elected to the board in 2014.
Rob Zapple is a member of the Board of Directors, of Friends of Public Radio - WHQR.