In the 1980s, comedians Kathy Najimy and Mo Gaffney wrote and performed Parallel Lives. Wilmington actor Susan Auten is producing this comic piece under the banner of her new theatre company, Keepin’ On Productions. The show is onstage at the Cape Fear Playhouse Thursdays-Saturdays at 8:00pm + Sundays at 3:00 through October 15.
The show was originally performed as a two-woman show; this production is performed by 4: Susan Auten, Gina Gambony, Jaimie Harwood, and Holli Saperstein. Steve Vernon, Artistic Director of Big Dawg Productions, directed the show.
Tickets are available online and at the door.
While Gina Gambony normally conducts Communique interviews, she asked Bob Workmon to step in for this one. Bob spoke with Susan and Holli about the nature of the show and how it’s held up over the years. Listen above and see photos below.