Thank you for tuning in this week.
Welcome to WHQR, Grace! She’ll be shadowing WHQR reporters and continuing to help out on stories — got a story tip for her? Send it her way at!
Here’s a link to Kelly and Grace’s piece on the wind farm operations here in NC: Offshore wind projected to bring at least 14,000 jobs to North Carolina
Here’s PolitiFact’s website if you ever want to reference it or just simply want to check it out.
Music this week:
Toonorth - Silience
Toonorth - Chrysalism
Yasper - Birds Fly Higher Than The Moon
Moods, Yasper - Vibe Vibe
Aviino - London Love Letters
Montell Fish - jam session
Sleepy Fish - Bookshelves
Middle School - back when it all made sense
G Mills, Cloudchord - Sunlit
Psalm Trees, Guillaume Muschalle - bringmesun