Ferencak has served on the force for ten years. He was placed on leave in March and the department asked the State Bureau of Investigation to look into alleged inappropriate conduct while off duty.
Related: Two Wilmington Police Department officers suspended, under investigation for separate incidents
While city employment records listed Ferencack as both on administrative leave and suspended, WPD was emphatic that the police department only suspends officers for wrongdoing. The department said the SBI investigation found no evidence of misbehavior — and that Ferencak was not subject to any disciplinary action.
The department issued a statement:
On Monday May 15th Corporal R. Ferencak was cleared to return from administrative leave. Personnel at WPD can be placed on paid administrative leave for a variety of reasons which are not a result of any wrongdoing on the employee’s part. During an investigation by the State Bureau of Investigation, he had been on administrative leave and was not suspended. Suspension occurs as a result of disciplinary action; CPL. Ferencak was never subject to disciplinary action as a result of the SBI investigation. During the course of the investigation, it was determined that no evidence existed to support a continuance of administrative leave.
We want to make it very clear that CPL. Ferencak did nothing wrong. He has been fully cleared by the SBI and Chief Williams. CPL. Ferencak will be returning to active duty effective immediately. The department will not be making any further comment on this.
WHQR reached out to WPD for comment prior to publishing an initial story on May 10 about Ferencak and another officer, Detective Aricka Sibdury, but the department declined.