If you’re part of that 45% of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions in hopes of becoming healthier, more successful, more mindful, whatever it is – congratulations. But here’s something to consider: out of that group, only 8% are likely to succeed with their resolutions.
Comedian John Oliver recently had some fun with the fact that if you haven’t yet broken your resolutions, statistically, you’re about to... Along with that bit of New Year’s cheer, he offers some advice:
Here’s another statistic: based on University of Scranton research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology: people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don't explicitly make resolutions.
Two guests in-studio to discuss some of the psychological drivers behind success and failure and how to use them in your favor:
Jen Johnson, a licensed, professional counselor and life coach
Lindsey Nanney, Physical Activity and Wellness Coordinator at UNCW