I understand that most radio receivers manufactured since the 1930s have ON-OFF switches. -- Bill
Last week I read a number of critical comments taken from our recent Listener Survey. Several people were moved to respond. Listener Bill wrote:
After listening to today's Friday Feedback (and those past), I feel compelled to contribute my two cents, if only to balance some of the strong negative opinions being aired. There are vanishingly few HQR programs that I don't care for. My tastes in music are highly eclectic, and I actively seek out news & topical talk. I also understand the challenges of programming a limited number of hours each day in a way that will satisfy every listener's taste. That said, I think you are doing a great job of involving your listeners in your decisions, balancing opinions with statistics & ratings, and keeping everything within budget. It's a difficult balancing act, and you're handling it well. That said, I wish to express my unending support for Car Talk, for Wait, Wait, for nighttime jazz and blues AND the BBC, for the new classical station, and for the new format -- overall, a HUGE improvement. As you know too well, people will complain (& have complained) about the most absurd things ("Ninety-one point seven" vs. "ninety-one-seven" ... really?!) and seem to think that WHQR is wholly responsible for their own listening habits. They can, as I can, turn off what they don't wish to hear. I understand that most radio receivers manufactured since the 1930s have ON-OFF switches. Keep up the good work.
Listener Hank wrote to us that he was disappointed in the turnout for a recent concert by a touring group he was interested in. He did not hear about it on WHQR, and felt that we should have promoted the event so that the low turnout would not be so embarrassing to Wilmington.
Let me make a couple of comments about Hank’s letter. First, we do believe we play a key role in letting audiences know about events. We ask all promoters and interested parties to start with a notice in our Cultural Calendar at whqr.org. Entries can and should be made well in advance. The online calendar displays all approved events, and on the on-air calendar covers upcoming events as time permits.
Next, request a slot in our Midday Interview by writing to classical@whqr.org. The Cape Fear region is a busy place, and not all requests can be accommodated, but the early you contact us the better your chances are. All of these services are free. Other groups with publicity budgets also find paid underwriting to be of great benefit – write to underwriting@whqr.org.
Liz Kachris-Jones from the Guardian ad Litem program wrote:
I want to commend Rachel Lewis Hilburn and Isabelle Shephard for their investment and care in ensuring that the Coastline segment on Foster Care in our local area was thoughtful, factual and relevant (aired May 20, 2015). As one of the guests on this program I was pleased to be able to talk beyond a superficial level about the challenges that children and youth face in a meaningful way in tandem with the rewards that volunteer-advocates and caregivers experience. The child welfare system is complex and tasked with the most important mandate of child safety to the most vulnerable - those whose parents have not met this responsibility. Rachel's questions showed critical analysis coupled with compassion - both of which are essential to create communities that cultivate child well-being for every child. Thank you for the opportunity to engage and continue this important discussion.
We’d love to hear from you on Friday Feedback. You can always leave a message via email to feedback@WHQR.org. Our Feedback Phone is 910-292-9477. And thanks for your feedback.