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Friday Feedback for June 8, 2012

Andrew Dabbs wrote:

I observe that WHQR/NPR coverage and commentary on the recent Big Gulp regulations by Mayor Bloomberg focuses on beverage company opposition to the regulation - the classic evil corporation vs defenseless consumer paradigm. No one seemed to express any shock or outrage at the fact that municipal government is telling adults that they can't drink a particular beverage from a particular size cup. While it is easy to take a frivolous angle because we are talking about soda-pop, people of any political stripe should see this for what it is - a gross and intrusive display of government power. This in turn is based on the foundational idea of many left wing programs - that lack of resources and regulation are the problem, not human nature in our arrogance, vanity and, in this situation, lack of self-control.

Here are a couple of comments from recent postings to stories on our website. Listener Richard commented on an NPR story about the television series “Mad Men”:

Holy lord that was trite.

And listener B-b-b commented on a story we did about Tidal Creek Co-op and the impact of other stores such as Carolina Farmin’ and the newly-opened Whole Foods. B-b-b commented that:

Whole Foods does and will carry local food.

You can make leave your comment on any of the stories at whqr-dot-org.

The recent edition of the TED Radio Hour as a summer replacement on Sunday night drew some contradictory responses. TED stands for Technology Entertainment Design. It’s a project sponsored by Bill Gates among others, and has generated considerable buzz for its innovative seminars. Listener Raleigh-Elizabeth Duttweiler wrote:

We LOVE the addition of the TED Radio Hour to the WHQR Sunday lineup! … Liz Gilbert's talk on genius may be my favorite TED talk ever, but I had never heard Abigail Washburn before, and now we have already downloaded one of her albums. Thank you so much for bringing this great show to Wilmington.

Listener Roberta wrote:

TED is run by the very rich for the very rich. I'm surprised that WHQR would run a program that speaks to the very few. It has also been getting a lot of bad press lately.

Roberta sent us a link to a recent article in Salon-dot-com. In response: Yes, it’s true that personally attending a TED seminar is very costly, in the thousands of dollars. But that’s the great thing about radio, isn’t it? You can hear it for free, or if you’re a WHQR Day Sponsor, that works out to about 2 cents for that hour. We don't know yet if the TED Radio Hour will be a permanent addition to the schedule. NPR is doing a limited edition run, and for us it's a summer replacement for On Being with Krista Tippett Sundays at 6 pm. We encourage listeners to listener to the show, and to let us know what you think.

We’d love to hear from you on Friday Feedback, for your questions and comments, likes and dislikes about any aspect of the station. You can also send us feedback with with an email message. Or call our Feedback Phone: 910-292-WHQR (9477). And thanks for your feedback.