UNCW’s Wings Up for Wilmington is issuing a last call for those organizations that could use a little extra help with anything from filing or landscaping to painting or delivery. Amanda Boomershine, UNCW professor of Spanish and organizer of “Wings up for Wilmington 2022”, says the event takes place Saturday, September 17th, the four-year anniversary of Hurricane Florence. Boomershine says the university just asks those who apply to ensure they will make good use of the volunteers’ time.
She says, “If you want to do a tour of your building or let people understand who they’re helping. Because our real goal is to get these volunteers to be return volunteers, either with the same organization that they helped out with for Wings Up, or with another one they learned about through the experience because we want everyone on campus to be engaged in the community.”
In 2019, there were 250 UNCW volunteers at 15 service sites for the first Wings Up for Wilmington Day of Service. So far this year, Boomershine says 23 agencies have signed up and include nonprofits, various local organizations, and schools in New Hanover County.
Ultimately, Boomershine says Wings Up for Wilmington’s goal extends far beyond just one day’s efforts, “I think we just want people to know we are here to help and that it’s a great way to engage with UNCW students, faculty and staff. And also for the Seahawk community to get out and get to know the local community and give back a little bit.”
Wings Up for Wilmington is accepting applications through mid-August.